Automatic Generation of a Compiler and
an Abstract Machine for Action Notation
Stephan Diehl, 1995
We present a system, that generates a compiler and abstract
machine from a Natural Semantics specification of a programming
language. First an overview of the system and the transformations
involved are given. Then we apply the system to a specification of
Actress Action Notation. As an example we trace the transformations
of rules for an action combinator. The resulting compiler and abstract
machine can be used as a basis for a compiler generator based
on Action Semantics. Finally we discuss future and related
A Prolog Positive Supercompiler
Stephan Diehl, 1995
Supercompilation is a method for program specialization. It
has been developed in the context of functional languages.
First we present the basic control strategy of supercompilation
in the setting of a simple programming language. Next we
present a positive supercompiler for Prolog. We give the basic algorithm
used in APROPOS and explain the different phases involved in
supercompilation of logic programs. Then the operation and efficiency
of the method is demonstrated by means of examples. Finally we
compare our work to related work in supercompilation and
partial evaluation.
Transformations of Evolving Algebras
Stephan Diehl, 1995
We give a precise definition of evolving algebras
as nondeterministic, mathematical machines. All proofs
in the paper are based on this definition.
First we define constant propagation as a transformation
on evolving algebras. Then we extend evolving
algebras by macro definitions and define folding and unfolding
transformations for macros. Next we introduce a simple
transformation to flatten transition rules. Finally a pass
separation transformation for evolving algebras is presented
For all transformations the operational equivalence of the
resulting algebras with the original algebras is proven.
In the case of pass separation, we show, that the results of the
computations in the original and the transformed
evolving algebra are equal.
Next we apply pass separation to a simple
interpreter. Finally a comparison to other work is given.
A former version is available as
Technischer Bericht A 02/95,
FB Informatik, University Saarbruecken , available as
Postscript Version
or in the FTP Directory (University of Michigan) on
Evolving Alegbras as
Postscript Version
An Experiment in Abstract Machine Design
Stephan Diehl, 1996
In this article we present Typed Feature Structures as an extension of Prolog and show how to come up with a compilation scheme and an
abstract machine using a design methodology based on partial evaluation.
First we define the transformations used by our partial evaluator.
Then we present the design methodology which we
will use later. Next we clarify the notion of Typed Feature Structures that underlies our work and we formally define the unification of such structures. Based on this definition we develop a unification
procedure with explicit heap representation. By partially evaluating
this procedure with respect to some example programs, we show how
to come up with the machine instructions and translation schemes.
Finally we briefly address coreferences, cyclic structures and
the unification of types.
Typed Feature Structures and Prolog:
A Compiler for Parallel Computers
Stephan Diehl, 1993
This thesis is concerned with the compilation of logic programming
languages. The WAM is an abstract machine. The vast majority of
compilers for logic programming languages produce code for this
machine. In the first part of this thesis we present an OR-parallel
implementation of the WAM. In the second part we use partial evaluation
to derive extensions to the WAM, such that Typed Feature Structures
in addition to the standard first-order terms can be compiled.
VRML++: A Language for Object-Oriented Virtual Reality
Stephan Diehl, 1997
We present a new object-oriented language called VRML++ which
extends the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML 2.0),
a specification language for interactive three-dimensional
scenes on the internet.
The new features of VRML++ are
classes and inheritance, an improved type system,
and dynamic routing. As a net result we get
type-safe inclusion polymorphism and dynamic binding.
We argue, that these features are essentials of
object-oriented programming languages.
Furthermore using these new features it is possible
to define abstractions of routing structures
which we call connection classes.
VRML++ increases reuseability, readability,
and extensibility of specifications
while reducing run-time errors.
Finally we discuss our implementation of VRML++.
A Formal Introduction to the Compilation of Java
Stephan Diehl, 1997
The goal of this paper is to explain the JVM and how
Java is translated into Byte-Code. Eventually this should
lead to a more in-depth understanding of Java. Furthermore
the JVM can also be used as a target machine to translate
other programming languages. Our presentation of the JVM
follows the technical style introduced
by Wilhelm and Maurer in the book "Compiler Design", Addison-Welsey,
to describe other abstract machines.
We present the language concepts, the related
byte-code instructions and the compilation schemes.
None of the existing literature on the JVM (as of spring 1997)
describes how compilation is done, but present the JVM
in isolation.
Towards Lean and Open Multi-User Technologies
Stephan Diehl, 1998
The standardization of the Virtual Reality Modeling Language and its APIs
paves the way for platform independant, open standards based implementations
of distributed, virtual worlds. After a discussion of key requirements of those
and an overview of how the underlying technology moved from proprietary to
open standards, we describe our implementation which is based on CORBA,
Java and VRML and comment on how open these languages are. Finally, by
exploiting CORBA services as far as possible it is our goal to get
a lean multi-user technology, which can be loaded over the internet.
Object-Oriented Animations with VRML++
Stephan Diehl, 1998
In this paper we show how VRML++ can be used to specify
animations. VRML++ extends the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML 2.0)
by classes and inheritance, an improved type system,
and dynamic routing. Using these new features it is possible
to define abstractions of routing structures
which we call connection classes. Such connection classes
are a powerful tool to define generic animation class.
The example discussed in detail in this paper
demonstrates that VRML++ increases
reuseability, readability, and extensibility of specifications
while reducing run-time errors.
Bootstrapped Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation
Stephan Diehl, 1999
We introduce our natural semantics-directed generator 2BIG
for compilers and abstract machines. It applies a sequence
of transformations to a set of natural semantics rules
including a pass separation transformation.
Then we discuss how it can be used to generate a compiler
and abstract machine for action notation. With the help of
these components we can then generate compilers for other
source languages whose semantics has been specified
in Action Notation. We also briefly discuss the
concept of an abstract machine language language based
on the abstract machine generated for action notation.
Visualizing Principles of Abstract Machines by Generating
Interactive Animations
Stephan Diehl and Thomas Kunze, 2000
In this paper we describe the design rationale of GANIMAM, a web-based
which generates interactive animations of abstract machines from specifications.
Common principles of abstract machines come into play at three levels: the design
of the specification language, the choice of graphical annotations to visualize
higher-level abstractions and the use of the system to explore and better
understand known and detect new principles.
Principles of Abstract Machines
Stephan Diehl, 2000
In this article give a brief historical
overview of work on
abstract machines.
Then we introduce common principles of abstract
machines by first presenting the programming
language concept and then its implementation
in form of abstract machine instructions
and compilation schemes.
Finally, we provide pointers for further reading.
Abstract Machines for Programming Language Implementation
Stephan Diehl, Pieter Hartel and Peter Sestoft,2000
We present an extensive, annotated bibliography of the abstract machines
designed for each of the main programming paradigms (imperative, object
oriented, functional, logic and concurrent). We conclude that whilst
a large number of efficient abstract machines have been designed for
particular language implementations, relatively little work has been
done to design abstract machines in a systematic fashion.
A generative methodology for the design of abstract machines
Stephan Diehl, 2000
In this paper we demonstrate how to use a semantics-directed generator to systematically design
abstract machines. The main novelty of the generator is that it generates compilers and abstract
machines. The generator is fully automated and its core transformations are proved correct. In
this paper we propose a design methodology based on our generator and as an example we design
a functional abstract machine which turns out to be very similar to the categorial abstract
Stephan Diehl /